Len Chapman

Hobby Photographer

Brisbane, Australia

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Brisbane and its surrounds offer plenty of material for a Photographer!

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Some photos from my travels!

Behar State in India was overwhelming with its colours, incessant activity and forever changing scenery.

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Cambodia offers extraordinary sights to photograph whether that be buildings, landscapes or people..

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Myanmar as it used to be.

A favourite destination for Photographers until the Military Coup put that country out of bounds. Photographs in this section are from past visits. Images recall Myanmar as it used to be and acknowledge the friendly and peaceful loving people of Myanmar.

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Laos suffered greatly during the Viet Nam War. The country became a dumping ground for bombs. Planes returning to their base dropped any unused bombs on Laos. Many of these were Cluster Bombs that still infest the countryside.

Nevertheless, there is much to see in Laos and its people are friendly and welcoming.

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